Thursday, September 6, 2007


So, as part of the transitioning in of the new schedule, today was a 'visitation day' for me. That means that the boys spent last night at their mother's place and she took them to daycare this morning. Then I got to pick them up from school and spend the rest of the afternoon and have dinner with them before taking them back to their mother's house for the night.

It sucked.

I mean, I was glad to see the boys - we went to a playground in Watertown, then I found a Friendly's where the boys had their favorite Mac 'N Cheese and ice cream dessert. I was very glad to spend the time with them since I had not seen them in 2 days. But it was tough taking them back to Arlington. Leo complained that he didn't want to go to Mommy's - he wanted to go to my house. And Daniel spent all of dinner giving my hugs saying "Daddy, daddy, daddy."

Once at her house, Leo wanted me to come in - so his mother let me so Leo could show me his playroom. Part of me thinks she wanted me to come in so that I would see how small the place was compared to the house in Hingham. But Leo enjoyed showing off some new toys he got and as I left I got big hugs from both Leo and Daniel. It was hard leaving them after what was only a 3-hour visit.

I guess I'm fortunate that there will not be too many of these types of visitations - our 50/50 custody agreement has an equal number of nights the boys spend with each of us. But because of the way some of the days fall as we alternate weekends, we each will have one of these visitation days each month. I suppose she will find out how hard it is when its her turn.

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