Sunday, July 27, 2008


So, I'm now in Lexington. The move was hectic - one of the movers said, "You've got a lot of stuff - is the house you're moving into just as big?" Actually, the house is smaller, and I tried to get rid of some of the larger things before I moved, but now that I'm here with stuff crammed in everywhere, its time to get rid of some more.

And the boxes! They are everywhere! I didn't realize I had packed so much. My goal now is to unpack every box - nothing left in any boxes (except, of course, the Christmas stuff). This way, everything will be out, and then I can better decide what to get rid of and what to keep.

The kids' playroom is going to be great. I've already set some new rules as to what toys are in the Family Room so that it doesn't get too cluttered. Everything else - down in the playroom. The boys have already accepted a new routine, as they go down to the playroom when they get home from school while I cook dinner. There is still a lot of organizing to do in the playroom as well - gonna try to keep the toys in bins and on shelves so the room isn't always a complete mess.

As for the rest of the house - I'm slowly getting things in place. I had a pretty good idea where I wanted to put the big pieces of furniture before I moved - and since I've been here I've only had to switch around a couple of big things. But I'm still unpacking boxes, and as I do, I've got to find some place to put everything, at least temporarily.

And then there's the house utilities. The dryer needed a longer lint exhaust. The washing machine needed a longer discharge hose. And then when I got the washing machine installed and turned the water on, there was a leak in one of the hoses so I had to get a new hose. Once the new hose was installed, I was able to start a load of laundry, only to find that during the rinse cycle the longer discharge hose doesn't sit well in the drain pipe and so water spills over. Then I woke up the next morning to find water all over the laundry room floor as there was a small leak in the water valve which dripped all night. Got the new refrigerator delivered, and when I turned on the water for the automatic ice maker, found out there was a leak in the copper pipe at the floor, and more water spilled all over the floor in part of the basement. Which was, of course, where I had a pile of boxes stacked waiting to be unpacked. I think its now time to call a plumber!

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