Saturday, March 15, 2008


Took the boys for their haircuts this morning. I actually got the idea from Leo, who asked me yesterday when his next haircut was going to be. I, in turn, asked him whether he felt he needed one (he did). And he said, "Daddy, I think its time I got a haircut."

So, while the snow was falling here this morning, I got the kids into the car and drove over to SuperCuts. Now, they had both been there before - it was the scene of Daniel's first ever haircut. (Leo's first was at Snip Itz - a place I don't recommend.) Sometimes the kids get balloons after their haircuts - sometimes lollipops - oftentimes both! As we pulled up to the SuperCuts, Leo started yelling from the back seat, "No, Daddy. Not this one. I want to go to the other haircut store!" I turned around and asked him what he meant, and he said, "The one in Greenport!"

Greenport is in New York - down at the east end of the north fork of Long Island. Greenport is best known (by my kids) as the place with the carousel. Hull also gets the same recognition. Greenport is also known for their large population of people of hispanic origin (namely, Mexicans), who work as laborors on all the wealthy Long Island and Shelter Island estates. The boys' mother took them to visit her mother a couple of months ago - she lives in Cutchogue, on Long Island, and during that trip was when the boys got their last haircut. So, whatever 'haircut store' they went to must have left an impression on Leo, because he absolutely refused to go into SuperCuts.

Daniel, meanwhile, jumped out of the car and practically ran into the place. I had to drag Leo through the snow, kicking and screaming. Once inside, Daniel had his jacket off, ready to go. I had to pull Leo's coat off as he tried to run away from me. He was screaming, "No, Daddy, no! I want to go to Greenport!"

I finally got Leo settled down by giving him one of his stock cars to play with (I usually carry an extra one in my pocket, just in case), while Daniel got his hair cut first. Daniel did pretty well, up until the first cut with the clippers. I ended up having to hold his head down so he didn't fidget while the hair stylist did a decent job with the clippers. Then it was scissors-time, and Daniel held his head up straight, very proud. He ended up with a pretty good haircut.

Then it was Leo's turn. While I was with Daniel, Leo had put his coat back on and was grumbling to himself in the corner couch in the waiting area. He tried to run away from me - I caught him, pulled off his coat (again), and carried him to the hair stylist. Leo ended up sitting on my lap - I held his head while the stylist cut his hair. That was hard to do and, in the end, Leo's haircut wasn't all that good.

I normally would have left the store as soon as Leo started acting up. Sometimes its just not worth it - and better to avoid having to use force to get them to do something. But haircuts are one of those things that their mother seems to think I don't do unless she specifically asks me, which she used to do. The haircuts they got in Greenport may have been the first time she actually took them herself. Their hair was pretty long, though, and this morning was a good time to get it done.

After Leo was through, they both got lollipops, and were all smiles. Leo started showing off his stock car to some of the other people waiting to get their hair cut, while I paid the bill. Don't know what their experience in Greenport was, but this was one I'd rather forget.

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