Monday, October 15, 2007


So, Leo was sick today. Actually, it started last night about an hour after he went to bed. He woke up crying and he was burning up. I gave him some water to drink, then some Motrin, and that calmed him down. He woke up about every other hour and I had to go in and comfort him each time. Neither of us got much sleep.

So this morning he wouldn't eat any breakfast as he was lying on the couch with his blankie. He felt almost too warm so I popped a thermometer in his mouth and it said 104! He took more Motrin and that helped. Meanwhile I got Daniel ready for school, not knowing how Leo was going to respond to the medicine but his fever went down to 101. I called Parents In A Pinch to get a sitter on her way - she finally showed up around 9 and I then took Daniel to school and went to work. Leo was feeling much better when I got home after work having slept most of the day.

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