Friday, October 19, 2007


So, because Leo stayed with me while he was sick with that nasty virus (on the days he was supposed to be with his mother), it was like having only one child again. She had Daniel at her place while I cared for Leo. Yes, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are supposed to be her days with the children, but since Leo was with me when he got sick, it was best for me to keep him at my house. So I ended up taking sick days from work to be home with Leo while he got better - and both of those were days when I wasn't even supposed to have the children.

It ended up being OK. Leo's fever settled back to about 101 on Monday, and by Wednesday afternoon the fever was gone. It was kind of nice to just have Leo for a few days. Daniel can be so commanding of my attention that Leo gets left by himself many times. So on Wednesday Leo and I ran some much-needed errands. There's a Saab dealership right next to the cleaners, and Leo asked if we could go look at the new cars at the "car store". I said "Sure!" So Leo and I spent about half an hour looking at the cars in their showroom. I told one of the salesman that I wasn't there to buy anything and he was cool with that (there wasn't anybody else there anyway). I showed Leo the differences in the car models and we sat in all of them. It was a lot of fun.

That afternoon, his mom called and said that Daniel missed him and so she wanted to know if it was OK to bring him by to see Leo. I knew she just wanted to leave Daniel with me and, sure enough, she didn't even spend two minutes in the house visiting with Leo before leaving the two of them with me. It was my day to have them back anyway so I didn't mind - and Leo did miss having Daniel around. But for a couple of days, even though Leo wasn't feeling well, it was kind of nice to spend some time with just him.

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