Sunday, August 5, 2007


So, had to get up everyone up and going extra early today thanks to our esteemed Assistant Organizer - whose idea it was to meet at the beach at 9am! We had to skip our weekly run to the dump (aka the 'Hingham Transfer Station') and I was so busy getting everything together I didn't have time to even think about coffee (thanks Mo!).

We ended up getting to Nantasket a little early - which was good so the kids got their swinging out of the way before heading down to the beach. The weather was perfect and so were all of our friends (adults and kids alike).

I can't think enough about how great this group is. Without even thinking twice, we all were helping each other out, watching each other's kids, and not worrying at all. I know being a single parent will have its challenges going forward, but with a group like this it seems to make everything a little easier to handle.

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