Sunday, August 12, 2007

Remote Control

So now Leo knows the wonders of remote control vehicles! We were at Tighe's 3rd birthday (son of Jenn, a co-worker of mine) on Saturday and Tighe got a number of new remote control construction trucks. Leo watched him play with them for a while, then asked me if he could try. I told him to ask Tighe, who immediately said, "No, they're mine!" Tighe's daddy Al stepped in and got Tighe to agree to let Leo try one of the trucks - a front-end loader. Leo spent the next half hour running the truck back and forth and lifting the front scoop up and down. He was so absorbed he had tuned everything else out. Luckily he had already had his cake and we were finished with swimming. I got Leo to give it up when Tighe finally asked for the front-end loader back. Al joked that I now needed to stop at Toys R Us to get one for Leo.

So where did I find myself on Saturday night? Why, Toys R Us of course! Unfortunately, they were out of the front-end loaders, and the excavators they had looked really cheap so I ended up not buying one. But next weekend I'm going to head out to a different Toys R Us in search of the front-end loader.

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